
I'm no Religion expert just spreading God's word like he told me to do

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Hebrews 13:20-21

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Please Pray

Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul Msgr King Of Immaculate conception church who died today 

Until Next Time this Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and Don't Forget To Pray!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Your Opinion?

Why do I want your opinion?

Let me ask you some questions to give me your answer email me at  mjpdotL@gmail.com

1.Should I continue this Blog or not?

2.Should I expand the blog?

3.How Should I expand the Blog? (please

4.What would you like to see on the Blog?

5. I plan on changing the Blogs name after Confirmation. 
What should the new name be?

Your opinions are greatly apreciatied 


Until Next tme this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Friday, May 27, 2011

14 Days Left!

Yes, there is fourteen days left till Confirmation and I CAN'T WAIT!  
 I'm getting my dress done. People are making reservations to come.
It's just around the corner! 

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Visit To Hell

Sounds freaky but no I have never visited hell but it is a tittle of a book which is good and 
I highly recommend you read it some day. 

In Hell the only guarantee is justice. Sad to say that is true in this book of a modern Dante novel.
 Written by Paul Thigpen "My Visit to Hell" is a thought provoking and adventures novel were we all find ourselves in this 304 page book. Still sounds daunting bet so but why not read it you have nothing to loose
To buy My Visit to Hell go to Amazon or your local bookstore.

Until Next time This is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and Don't forget to Pray!    

Sunday, May 22, 2011

There Be Dragons

I love this movie and thanks to my dear friend Rosemary I was able to see it along with my dad "There Be Dragons" is a story about two men one a saint and one like you and me

Set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War. The story traces the lives of two young men, Josemaria Escriva and Manolo Torres.Josemaria becomes a priest and struggles to spread reconciliation by founding the movement Opus Dei (work of God). Manolo chooses war and becomes a spy for the fascists. He becomes obsessed with a beautiful Hungarian revolutionary, Ildiko, who has joined the militia in pursuit of passion and purpose. 

After watching this movie my dad and I were driving back when my dad mentioned that he liked the part were Manolo quoted: "My dad was able to give me material things when Josemaria's dad was able to give him a father."  I have not had the best relationship with my father  in the past few years and with other men not because of him but because of a past experience leaving me to be afraid of all male figures in my life I am happy to say that has changed with my dad and I treasure those late night talks with him forever. 
I Love you Daddy! 

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and Don't forget to Pray!


At the end of that movie it said  
Josemaria Escriva went on to found Opus Dei and become a saint 
Manolo Torres like the rest of us 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Yes it is somewhat old news but I have been waiting a while to do a post on this. Anyway if you know me well enough I like to check all six sides of the cube meaning. I like to check all reliable sources witch I am capable of reaching of course what the Catholic Church says about it and my comments too.

Usually I take what President Obama says with a grain of salt but this stuck out to me for some reason and yes I do pray for him and respect his position in office   

Here is what he said...

Shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden.  It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground.  I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan.  And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

I found this next part in the army times.....

U.S. Black hawk  helicopters ferried about two dozen troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, into the compound identified by the CIA as bin Laden’s hideout — and back out again in less than 40 minutes. Bin Laden was shot in the head, officials said, after he and his bodyguards resisted the assault.Three adult males were also killed in the raid, including one of bin Laden’s sons, whom officials did not name. One of bin Laden’s sons, Hamza, is a senior member of al-Qaida. U.S. officials also said one woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant, and two other women were injured.

Here is what the Vatican says.....  

Osama Bin Laden - as everyone knows - has had the gravest responsibility for spreading hatred and division among people, causing the deaths of countless people, and exploiting religion for this purpose.Faced with the death of a man, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibility of everyone before God and man, and hopes and pledges that every event is not an opportunity for a further growth of hatred, but of peace.”

My Personal comment.....

I am glad that the army reached its goal but like the Vatican I feel that I can not rejoice over his death instead that he has revived justice suitable enough for him and I will continue to pray for his soul. 

Something you probably did not  know is that the terrorists planned on attacking the Chicago train systems on 9/11/11 but since we have found out they have delayed that .  
Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to pray!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Loreto House

My family and I have supported Loreto House for some time now.My dad is a director there,I help out with the ultrasound machine and my family and I donate to The Holy Family Thrift Store .
Pregnant and Need Help!
Call 940-380-8191

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Prayer Intentions

I have a box that I put prayer Intentions in. 
I thought maybe if you have a few of your own you could email them to me at mjpdotL@gmail.com.
So I could put them in the box that way I could Pray for your Intentions too!

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Song For Karol

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Alleluia* Happy Easter Everyone!*Alleluia

I can finally say the A word.
This picture, which i took, is of a Lilly which is outside my bedroom window.
 We found it today when we came home from church.      

The Passion of the Christ

Last night my family and I watched The Passion of the Christ
a movie portraying the Passion of our Lord, which is the last twelve hours of Jesus's life,My response a perfect drama of our lords passion I highly recommend you watch it.

Until next time this Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless! 

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit Jingle

Here is my first jingle yes it took a while to get it out sorry about that but things have been rough for me lately and please keep me in your prayers.  

The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit Jingle 

When the day had came in the upper room
the Apostles and Mary did not know what to do
the holy spirit descended on the crew and gave them these gifts

Knowledge and Piety 
Fear of the lord Too

When the day had came in the upper room
the Apostles and Mary did not know what to do
the holy spirit descended on the crew and gave them these Fruits

Long suffering,Mildness,Faith

When the day had came in the upper room
the Apostles and Mary did not know what to do
the holy spirit descended on the crew and gave them these gifts and Fruits

 Dear holy Spirit please help me put them to good use

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Good Friday (The Passion of the Christ)

The Passion Of the Christ

My family and I will be watching The Passion tonight. I plan on giving a review on it tomorrow. 

 Happy Good Friday Everyone!

Until next time this is Mylea 
Saying God Bless!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Confirmation Saint Report

Saint Theresa Of Avila
Mylea Pyle
April 18, 2011
Teresa De Cepeda Y Ahumada was born on March 28, 1515 in Gotarrendura, Spain. She was extroverted, affectionately buoyant, and skillful in the use of pen, needlework, and household chores. In 1522, when she was seven years old, she read about the martyrdom of the saints and convinced her brother Rodrigo (four years her elder) to come along with her to the country of the Moors. Hoping to beg their way for the love of God that they might be beheaded, they were stopped by their parents. Since the saint felt it was impossible to become a martyr at the time Teresa and Rodrigo set out to build hermitages by piling up small stones on top of each other.  After some time the stones fell down and they soon gave up their intent to become hermits too.
God had given her in the stage of early youth the great devotion of prayer, especially the Rosary to which her mother had a great devotion. She would have great delight in playing with the other children and building of monasteries as if they were nuns. Teresa wished to be a nun though not so much a martyr or hermit. When the saint was a little less than twelve years of age. After the loss of her mother she went in a state of affliction to an image of Our Lady of Charity, and with many tears, implored her to be the saint’s mother. Teresa began to make much of dress to wish to please others by appearance. She took pains with her hands and hair, and used perfumes and all other vanities within reach. In 1531, she was taken by her father (who worried about her vanity) to the Augustinian monastery of Our Lady of Grace. For the first eight days she suffered excessively but more from the suspicion that her vanity was known than from being at the monastery. For the saint was very weary of herself and though she offended God, Teresa never ceased from fearing our great Lord and contrived to go to Confession instantly. She was very uncomfortable but much more accepting of the monastery compared to her father’s house. After a length of time the nuns became pleased with her, for our Lord had given her the talent of pleasing every human figure she approached. At the time, Teresa did not want to become a nun   but she was exuberantly pleased with these good and holy Nuns who she thought very highly of. Like all good saints she was tempted by the devil but this did not stop her, for soon after she returned to the good and saintly deeds of her childhood.  
There was one person with whom Teresa had a conversation who thought she would do well in the estate of holy matrimony. And it is said that she had a yearning for marriage at the time of her life. The saint lived in the monastery for a year and a half. She began to say many vocal prayers and to ask all the Nuns to pray for her so that she would go into a state wherein she was to serve God. At the end of her stay, Teresa had a greater inclination to be a nun, yet not in that house on account of certain devotional practices which the saint thought over-stressing. She also had a great friend, Juana Suarez, in another monastery. And this made her resolve if she was to be a nun, she would in the house where her friend lived.
In 1532 she returned home to regain her health and stayed with her sister. Reading the letters of Saint Jerome led her to the decision to enter a convent but her father refused to give her his consent. She decided to run away along with one of her brothers to receive her habit. On November 2nd she entered the Carmelite monastery of the Incarnation at Avila and her father resigned himself to this development. The following year she received the habit and began wholeheartedly to give herself to prayer and penance. Shortly after her profession she became seriously ill and failed to respond to medical treatment. As a last resort her father took her to Becedas, a small village to seek the help of a woman healer famous throughout Castile. But her health did not improve. Leaving Becedas in the fall of 1538 she stayed in Hortigosa at the home of her uncle Pedro De Cepeda. Instead of regaining her health, Teresa grew even more ill and her father brought her back to Avila in July 1539. On August fifteenth she fell into a coma so profound that she was thought to be dead.  After four days she revived, but her legs were paralyzed for three years.
After her cure, which she attributed to Saint Joseph, she entered a period of mediocrity in her spiritual life but she did not give up praying. During this stage, which lasted eighteen years, she had transitory mystical experiences. She was held back by a strong desire to be appreciated by others, but this finally left her in an experience of conversion in the presence of an image of “The Sorely Wounded Christ.” This conversion dislodged the egoism that hindered her spiritual development. Thus at the age of 39, she began to enjoy a vivid experience of God’s presence within her. When Teresa was 40 years old she began to have visionary experiences.
After several of these she started to think of a new monastery in which the original Carmelite ideal could be followed. She began to discuss her idea with others and at the instruction of her confessor, she began to write about her spiritual life and how it had led her to a goal of reform. In 1562 Teresa founded her first  monastery,  St. Joseph, In Avila. For the next 20 years she traveled throughout Spain, establishing foundations both for nuns and friars. As the monasteries got farther apart. Teresa began to write down the spiritual directions that she would have given orally if all of her Nuns were in one place. She wrote The Way Of Perfection in about 1566 to tell the nuns how to reach their goal. She wrote The Interior Castle by 1580 to tell them about contemplative prayer. She wrote foundations to remember the early history of their order. She also wrote meditations, prayers, hymns for her nuns, the Carmelite friars, and to the clerics and laity who were benefactors. She wrote thousands of letters of which there are over 450 extant. Because she was a visionary during the time of the inquisition, all of these writings were carefully read by others. The result was that, in her lifetime, her wok became well known far beyond the world of her monasteries.
Teresa greeted the end of her years of suffering with overflowing thanks. On the morning of the feast of Saint Francis, immersed in prayer, happy and smiling; she went out of this world into eternal life in the arms of our Lord.
Why I Chose Saint Teresa Of Avila For My Patron Saint?
I chose this great and holy saint for several reasons:
1. Her feast day is October 15 which is my birthday.
2. She uses words I would use.
3. I love her inspiring quotes. This one of my favorites:
“Accustom continually to make acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.”
4. She is known as the Doctor of Prayer.  She is a great example for deepening my prayer life.
5. She gives me a reason that there is hope for great sinners and that I can still become a saint and repent.
6. She shows such grace and reverence to our Lord which I want more than ever now.
7.  I love her writings and I want to write like that; with such meaning and visibility.

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Holy Thursday (The Last Supper)

          The Last Supper straight from the Bible

When the day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread arrived, the day for sacrificing the Passover lamb,
he sent out Peter and John, instructing them, "Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover."
They asked him, "Where do you want us to make the preparations?"
And he answered them, "When you go into the city, a man will meet you carrying a jar of water. Follow him into the house that he enters
and say to the master of the house, 'The teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"'
He will show you a large upper room that is furnished. Make the preparations there."
Then they went off and found everything exactly as he had told them, and there they prepared the Passover.
When the hour came, he took his place at table with the apostles.
            He said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with
           you before I suffer,for, I tell you, I shall not eat it (again)
           until there is fulfillment in the kingdom of God."
Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and said, "Take this and share it among yourselves;
for I tell you (that) from this time on I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
 Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me."
And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you. Luke 22:7-20  

This the institution of our lord's sacrifice done every day over and over again all the time all over the world. 

Happy Holy Thursday everyone! 

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!     

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Eight Promises of Saint Joseph

                                                          The Feasts of St. Joseph

The primary feast of St. Joseph is March 19 because it is believed that his death occurred on that date.

This feast was fixed in the 15th century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Gregory XV in 1621.

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1870, Pope Pius IX ordered that St. Joseph's feast day was to be a double of the first class.

Holy Mother Church dedicates the entire month of March to St. Joseph, as well as the First Wednesdays

May 1 was established as the Feast of St. Joseph the Workman by Pope Pius XII in 1955, chosen to coincide with Labor days in many nations. In addition there were two other feasts no longer on the official calendar.
The Eight Promises of St. Joseph

1. God will grant special graces to those that do not know me, to have a great devotion to me.
2. God will bless all who are married and the blessing in their family will be without limit.
3. Those married and without children will be blessed with offspring.
4. God will give special graces to be delivered from temptations and the attacks of the devil.
5. They shall have a good and happy death.
6. They shall overcome their trials and tribulations.
7. God shall grant them immediate help when they invoke my intercession, for the demons have extreme dread of the invocation of my name.
8. For all those who embrace a St. Joseph cenacle, they shall obtain a more fervent love for Jesus and a true devotion to Most Holy Mary.

Until Next Time This Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Monday, April 11, 2011

My YouTube Channel

I have a YouTube Channel.Check It Out!

Until Next Time This Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Youth 2000 Retreat

Yesterday Jason,the Youth Minister, and Fifteen to Twenty Teens including I went to a Youth 2000 Retreat.

*NOTE* the retreat lasted from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.We only went up there for Saturday ONLY.Also we were required to go for Confirmation (60 days away I CAN'T WAIT!).

Anyway let's cut to the chase we left around 7:00ish not to mention that there was only Five or Six people were there when I GOT THERE AT 7:00AM.Soon after the rest of them showed up Figures.We got there around 8:30AM.Throughout the day we listened to talks and we broke up into small groups of ten at least for lunch we had a YOUTH STAPLE "PIZZA" for Dinner chicken sandwiches donated from Chickfila probably because the owner is Christian.In the gym they had the Blessed Sacrament in the presence of us all along with Music blaring from loud speakers most of the time there was Religious all over the place of course the Franciscan Friars Of The Renewal who ran it all,The Franciscan Sisters and two other orders of sisters which I forgot along with priests who were hearing confessions during the whole Retreat

The part I hated the most was when every one was Swaying back and forth with their arms around each other like they were hugging.I didn't want to do it but two Chinese guys pulled me in and I could not get away partly because they had such a tight grip on me.If you know me very well then you will understand why I was uncomfortable. I think Jason was uncomfortable too but I think his little friend was enjoying it more than him he knows what I mean.
I was stressed out,in immense pain and dazed Mentally and Physically I think it shows since people ask me how I am doing lately more than often since I have had hell on earth this weekend.

The only things I liked was the Eucharistic Adoration even though I think they could have done with out with the Music.WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PURE SILENCE? after all that is how God speaks to us IN PURE SILENCE.I guess I am just boring. Also I got to see Bishop Vann which I loved we talked for a  good five minutes.Even though I regret not showing Bill proof that he did give me a letter. I hope to see Bishop Vann at Confirmation and at my house he asked himself if he could come over and I can't wait!

I if I could sum it up to one compound word it would be "CATTLE DRIVE" I pretty much felt like a cow the way they moved us around with all the commotion.

Until Next Time This Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coming Soon!

I have made up little jingles to remember our catholic faith such as:

1.The Four Marks of The Church
2.The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
3.The Twelve Fruits of The Holy Spirit
4.The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
5.The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy 

I will try to release them soon!

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!           

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Franciscan friars of the renewal

Last night I saw two friars who were discerning a vocation in the religious life their names were Brother Mathew and Brother Steven I will see Brother Mathew Take his vows this summer in New York when I go on a Pilgrimage

Until Next Time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
saying God Bless!   

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Confirmation: Forrming us as a true Catholic

 One thing I heard last night at the Confirmation session which I found quite unique Here it is :

What are are the two main Ingredients to make flour tortillas.... Flour and Water .Before Baptism we are like  flour we are thin and incomplete,when danger comes upon us ( the Devil) and blows us away because we are not firm (in our faith0,after Baptism we add water making us somewhat lumpy and doughy. Once we are being formed (preparing for Confirmation) and put in the fire to be baked and made a true Catholic (Confirmation) afterward we are are able to engage more fully in our faith and be a soldier of the lord being able to conquer evil.I can't wait to receive the sacrament of Confirmation on Jun 11th.........74 days away.

Until Next Time this is Mylea ( Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

p.s. I don't think Jason will mind if I use this example after all  I am teaching something new.             

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mark Mallett

Mark Mallet is a Catholic Canadian singer/songwriter.He is probably one of my favorite Catholic singers who I listen to.He has done a CD on the "Rosary" accompanied with meditations on "Our Lady Of Guadalupe".I think this is probably why Bishop Vann (The Bishop of Fort Worth) likes it so much I have heard he told my Dad that is the only thing he listens to in his car and has taken all of his other music out.Mark has also done one on the "Divine Mercy Chaplet" intertwined with "The Stations Of The Cross" .Most of his songs I have memorized and hum and sing frequently.To go to his website Click Here also here is two of his songs they are Kingdom of Freedom and Makin' My Way

Until Next Time this Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter) Saying God Bless!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gregorian Chant

Gregorian Chant is one of my favorite kinds of music aside from Religious and Classical. Whenever people ask me about my favorite kind of music and I mention it they look puzzled and veer away from it. Why? Because it is not well known anymore in the Catholic Church which is sad.
How did it come along? Well actually Chants originated upon the songs sung in the synagogues and Middle Eastern countries.Gregorian Chant was adopted by the Christian Church in about the 6th Century and it quickly became an essential part of Christian worship.
It was named after Pope Gregory the Great who unified all the chants into one collection. This soon became an essential part of monastic worship and monks would write new chants and take them from monastery to monastery.In the early days the chant wasn't copied into books. It had to be memorised and it would take monks many years to learn all the different songs.
Unfortunately Gregorian Chant has now largely fallen into disuse in the Catholic church because of widespread change in the services.
One reason why I like Gregorian Chant is because it is calming and soothing.And since Gregorian Chant is a form of prayer it is a way of praying three times like Saint Paul said
Until Next Time This Is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless !
P.S. Here is a Video this is the Latin chant "Salve Regina" (or Hail, Holy Queen, which is a common Catholic prayer) performed by the monks of the Abbey of Notre Dame.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Queen of heaven

What Church Father Are You?

I'm Origen!
You do nothing by half-measures. If you’re going to read the Bible, you want to read it in the original languages. If you’re going to teach, you’re going to reach as many souls as possible, through a proliferation of lectures and books. If you’re a guy and you’re going to fight for purity … well, you’d better hide the kitchen shears.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

St Jerome Emiliani

Feast day :February 8

 b: 1481 d: 1537

Jerome Emiliani lay chained in the dark dirty dungeon. Only a short timebefore he had been a military commander for Venice in charge of a fortress. He didn't care much about God because he didn't need him -- he had his own strength and the strength of his soldiers and weapons. When Venice's enemies, the League of Cambrai, captured the fortress, he was dragged off and imprisoned. There in the dungeon, Jerome decided to get rid of the chains that bound him. He let go of his worldly attachments and embraced God.
When he finally was able to escape, he hung his metal chains in the nearby church of Treviso -- in gratitude not only for being freed from physical prison but from his spiritual dungeon as well.
After a short time as mayor of Treviso he returned his home in Venice where he studied for the priesthood. The war may have been over but it was followed by the famine and plague war's devastation often brought. Thousands suffered in his beloved city. Jerome devoted himself to service again -- this time, not to the military but the poor and suffering around him. He felt a special call to help the orphans who had no one to care for them. All the loved ones who would have protected them and comforted them had been taken by sickness or starvation. He would become their parent, their family.
Using his own money, he rented a house for the orphans, fed them, clothed them, and educated them. Part of his education was to give them the first known catechetical teaching by question and answer. But his constant devotion to the suffering put him in danger too and he fell ill from the plague himself. When he recovered, he had the ideal excuse to back away, but instead his illness seemed to take the last links of the chain from his soul. Once again he interpreted his suffering to be a sign of how little the ambitions of the world mattered.
He committed his whole life and all he owned to helping others. He founded orphanages in other cities, a hospital, and a shelter for prostitutes. This grew into a congregation of priests and brothers that was named after the place where they had a house: the Clerks Regular of Somascha. Although they spent time educating other young people, their primary work was always Jerome's first love -- helping orphans.
His final chains fell away when he again fell ill while taking care of the sick. He died in 1537 at the age of 56.
He is the patron saint of abandoned children and orphans.
In His Footsteps:
Become a foster parent. Millions of children need the love and care of a foster family. Contact your local Family Services agency or Catholic  Charities to find out how you can help. 

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Trust God to bring good even from the Evil

But the devil,seeing that the temples of the demons are deserted,and
humanity is running to the name of the liberating Mediator, has incited
the heretics to resiest the Christian teaching while keeping the Christian

Even so, by their Evil they benefit the true Catholic members of Christ. God makes good use of the Evil as well, and all things work together for good
to those who love him.

For all the enemies of the Church, whatever error blinds them or malice
perverts them, exercise her paitence if they are given power to hurt her
bodily. If they only oppose her by Evil thought they exercise her wisdom.
At the same time, if these enemies are loved they her benevolence, or
even her generosity, whether she deals with them by persuasive doctrine
or fearful discipline. Thus the Devil the prince of the impious city, is not
allowed to harm the city of the city of God that sojourns in this world,
even when he stirs up his own vessels against her.

                                                                             -St.Augustine, City of  God 18.51

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

St Paul Miki

Feast Day :February 6
Paul was the son of a Japanese military leader. He was born at Tounucumada, Japan, was educated at the Jesuit college of Anziquiama, joined the Jesuits in 1580, and became known for his eloquent preaching. He was crucified on Februay 5 with twenty-five other Catholics during the persecution of Christians under the Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan in the name of the emperor. Among the Japanese layment who suffered the same fate were: Francis, a carpenter who was arrested while watching the executions and then crucified; Gabriel, the nineteen year old son of the Franciscan's porter; Leo Kinuya, a twenty-eight year old carpenter from Miyako; Diego Kisai (or Kizayemon), temporal coadjutor of the Jesuits; Joachim Sakakibara, cook for the Franciscans at Osaka; Peter Sukejiro, sent by a Jesuit priest to help the prisoners, who was then arrested; Cosmas Takeya from Owari, who had preached in Osaka; and Ventura from Miyako, who had been baptized by the Jesuits, gave up his Catholicism on the death of his father, became a bonze, and was brought back to the Church by the Franciscans. They were all canonized as the Martyrs of Japan in 1862. Their feast day is February 6th.

Until next this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

How Long?

Until next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coming soon!

Starting next Monday every first Monday of the month I will be posting a series of articles called The Church Fathers On Evil

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple


The Feast of the Presentation, often called Candlemas, commemorates the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the presentation of Christ in the temple, which took place 40 days after his birth as Jewish law required. According to Mosaic law, a mother who had given birth to a boy was considered unclean for seven days. Also, she was to remain 33 days "in the blood of her purification." Luke tells us, quoting Exodus 13:2,12, that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem because every firstborn child was to be dedicated to the Lord. They also went to sacrifice a pair of doves or two young pigeons, showing that Mary and Joseph were poor. Once in the temple, Jesus was purified by the prayer of Simeon, in the presence of Anna the prophetess. Simeon, upon seeing the Messiah, gave thanks to the Lord, singing a hymn now called the Nunc Dimittis:
Lord, now you let your servant go in peace,
your word has been fulfilled:
My own eyes have seen the salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:
a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.
Simeon told Mary, "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against, (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." Simeon thus foreshadowed the crucifixion and the sorrows of Mary at seeing the death of her Son.
The name Candlemas comes from the activities associated with the feast. It came to be known as the Candle Mass. In the Western Church, a procession with lighted candles is the distinctive rite. According to post Vatican-II discipline, (if possible) the beeswax candles are to be blessed somewhere other than where the Mass is held. Often your local parish will hand out candles, or you may bring your own, to be blessed before the procession. These may be saved for later use in your home. After an antiphon, during which the candles held by the people are lighted, there is a procession into the church. During the procession to the church, the Nunc Dimittis is sung, with the antiphon "Lumen ad revelationem" (Luke 2:32). This procession into the church for Mass commemorates Christ's entrance into the temple. Since Vatican II, the feast is reckoned a feast of the Lord (as opposed to a feast of Mary), and officially designated "The presentation of the Lord."

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

St Brigid

Feast Day :February 1

Brigid was probably born at Faughart near Dundalk, Louth, Ireland. Her parents were baptized by St. Patrick, with whom she developed a close friendship. According to legend, her father was Dubhthach, an Irish chieftain of Lienster, and her mother, Brocca, was a slave at his court. Even as a young girl she evinced an interest for a religious life and took the veil in her youth from St. Macaille at Croghan and probably was professed by St. Mel of Armagh, who is believed to have conferred abbatial authority on her. She settled with seven of her virgins at the foot of Croghan Hill for a time and about the year 468, followed Mel to Meath. About the year 470 she founded a double monastery at Cill-Dara (Kildare) and was Abbess of the convent, the first in Ireland. The foundation developed into a center of learning and spirituality, and around it grew up the Cathedral city of Kildare. She founded a school of art at Kildare and its illuminated manuscripts became famous, notably the Book of Kildare, which was praised as one of the finest of all illuminated Irish manuscripts before its disappearance three centuries ago. Brigid was one of the most remarkable women of her times, and despite the numerous legendary, extravagant, and even fantastic miracles attributed to her, there is no doubt that her extraordinary spirituality, boundless charity, and compassion for those in distress were real. She died at Kildare on February 1. The Mary of the Gael, she is buried at Downpatrick with St. Columba and St. Patrick, with whom she is the patron of Ireland. Her name is sometimes Bridget and Bride. Her feast day is February 1.

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

St. John Bosco

Feast day :January 31

b. 1815 d: 1888

What do dreams have to with prayer? Aren't they just random images of our mind?
In 1867 Pope Pius IX was upset with John Bosco because he wouldn't take his dreams seriously enough. Nine years earlier when Pope Pius IX met with the future saint who worked with neglected boys, he learned of the dreams that John had been having since the age of nine, dreams that had revealed God's will for John's life. So Pius IX had made a request, "Write down these dreams and everything else you have told me, minutely and in their natural sense." Pius IX saw John's dreams as a legacy for those John worked with and as an inspiration for those he ministered to.
Despite Scripture evidence and Church tradition respecting dreams, John had encountered skepticism when he had his first dream at the age of nine. The young Bosco dreamed that he was in a field with a crowd of children. The chidren started cursing and misbehaving. John jumped into the crowd to try to stop them -- by fighting and shouting. Suddenly a man with a face filled with light appeared dressed in a white flowing mantle. The man called John over and made him leader of the boys. John was stunned at being put in charge of these unruly gang. The man said, "You will have to win these friends of yours not with blows but with gentleness and kindness." As adults, most of us would be reluctant to take on such a mission -- and nine year old John was even less pleased. "I'm just a boy," he argued, "how can you order me to do something that looks impossible." The man answered, "What seems so impossible you must achieve by being obedient and acquiring knowledge." Thenthe boys turned into the wild animals they had been acting like. The man told John that this is the field of John's life work. Once John changed and grew in humility, faithfulness, and strength, he would see a change in the children -- a change that the man now demonstrated. The wild animals suddenly turned into gentle lambs.
When John told his family about his dream, his brothers just laughed at him. Everyone had a different interpretation of what it meant: he would become a shepherd, a priest, a gang leader. His own grandmother echoed the sage advice we have heard through the years, "You mustn't pay any attention to dreams." John said, "I felt the same way about it, yet I could never get that dream out of my head."
Eventually that first dream led him to minister to poor and neglected boys, to use the love and guidance that seemed so impossible at age nine to lead them to faithful and fulfilled lives. He started out by learning how to juggle and do tricks to catch the attention of the children. Once he had their attention he would teach them and take them to Mass. It wasn't always easy -- few people wanted a crowd of loud, bedraggled boys hanging around. And he had so little money and help that people thought he was crazy. Priests who promised to help would get frustrated and leave.
Two "friends" even tried to commit him to an institution for the mentally ill. They brought a carriage and were planning to trick him into coming with him. But instead of getting in, John said, "After you" and politely let them go ahead. When his friends were in the carriage he slammed the door and told the drive to take off as fast as he could go!
Through it all he found encouragement and support through his dreams. In one dream, Mary led him into a beautiful garden. There were roses everywhere, crowding the ground with their blooms and the air with their scent. He was told to take off his shoes and walk along a path through a rose arbor. Before he had walked more than a few steps, his naked feet were cut and bleeding from the thorns. When he said he would have to wear shoes or turn back, Mary told him to put on sturdy shoes. As he stepped forward a second time, he was followed by helpers. But the walls of the arbor closed on him, the roof sank lower and the roses crept onto the path. Thorns caught at him from all around. When he pushed them aside he only got more cuts, until he was tangled in thorns. Yet those who watched said, "How lucky Don John is! His path is forever strewn with roses! He hasn't a worry in the world. No troubles at all!" Many of the helpers, who had been expecting an easy journey, turned back, but some stayed with him. Finally he climbed through the roses and thorns to find another incredible garden. A cool breeze soothed his torn skin and healed his wounds.
In his interpretation, the path was his mission, the roses were his charity to the boys, and the thorns were the distractions, the obstacles, and frustrations that would stand in his way. The message of the dream was clear to John: he must keep going, not lose faith in God or his mission, and he would come through to the place he belonged.
Often John acted on his dreams simply by sharing them, sometimes repeating them to several different individuals or groups he thought would be affected by the dream. "Let me tell you about a dream that has absorbed my mind," he would say.
The groups he most often shared with were the boys he helped -- because so many of the dreams involved them. For example, he used several dreams to remind the boys to keep to a good and moral life. In one dream he saw the boys eating bread of four kinds -- tasty rolls, ordinary bread, coarse bread, and moldy bread, which represented the state of the boys' souls. He said he would be glad to talk to any boys who wanted to know which bread they were eating and then proceeded to use the occasion to give them moral guidance.
He died in 1888, at the age of seventy-two. His work lives on in the Salesian order he founded.
In His Footsteps:
John Bosco found God's message in his dreams. If you have some question or problem in your life, ask God to send you an answer or help in a dream. Then write down your dreams. Ask God to help you remember and interpret the dreams that come from God.

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

St. Matthias

Feast day :January 30

Bishop of Jerusalem. He was of Jewish heritage, and he governed that see in a troubled era of oppression by the Roman government and political upheaval in Palestine owing to the severe Jewish uprising against Roman occupation.

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

St Aquilinus

Feast day :January 29

Aquilinus was born in Bavaria. He left his native land to avoid being made a bishop, went to Italy and settled in Milan. A vigorous opponent of Arianism, he was so effective in his preaching against the heresy that a group of Arians murdered him. He died in 650. His feast day is January 29th.

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!

St Thomas Aquinus

 Feast day :January 28

St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church, patron of all universities and of students. His feast day is January 28th. He was born toward the end of the year 1226. He was the son of Landulph, Count of Aquino, who, when St. Thomas was five years old, placed him under the care of the Benedictines of Monte Casino. His teachers were surprised at the progress he made, for he surpassed all his fellow pupils in learning as well as in the practice of virtue.
When he became of age to choose his state of life, St. Thomas renounced the things of this world and resolved to enter the Order of St. Dominic in spite of the opposition of his family. In 1243, at the age of seventeen, he joined the Dominicans of Naples. Some members of his family resorted to all manner of means over a two year period to break his constancy. They even went so far as to send an impure woman to tempt him. But all their efforts were in vain and St. Thomas persevered in his vocation. As a reward for his fidelity, God conferred upon him the gift of perfect chastity, which has merited for him the title of the "Angelic Doctor".
After making his profession at Naples, he studied at Cologne under the celebrated St. Albert the Great. Here he was nicknamed the "dumb ox" because of his silent ways and huge size, but he was really a brilliant student. At the age of twenty-two, he was appointed to teach in the same city. At the same time, he also began to publish his first works. After four years he was sent to Paris. The saint was then a priest. At the age of thirty-one, he received his doctorate.
At Paris he was honored with the friendship of the King, St. Louis, with whom he frequently dined. In 1261, Urban IV called him to Rome where he was appointed to teach, but he positively declined to accept any ecclesiastical dignity. St. Thomas not only wrote (his writings filled twenty hefty tomes characterized by brilliance of thought and lucidity of language), but he preached often and with greatest fruit. Clement IV offered him the archbishopric of Naples which he also refused. He left the great monument of his learning, the "Summa Theologica", unfinished, for on his way to the second Council of Lyons, ordered there by Gregory X, he fell sick and died at the Cistercian monastery of Fossa Nuova in 1274.
St. Thomas was one of the greatest and most influential theologians of all time. He was canonized in 1323 and declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V.

Until Next time this is Mylea (Spiritual Daughter)
Saying God Bless!